

The class DNA is an IUPAC valid sequence of non-degenerate DNA nucleotides. For the purposes of the tutorial we will assume single nucleotide sequences.

>>> from nucleic import DNA
>>> DNA("A").is_purine()

Creating Variant Alleles

>>> DNA("A").to("C")
Variant(ref=DNA("A"), alt=DNA("C"), context=DNA("A"))

By default, the context of the variant is assigned to the reference base, although a larger context can be set. The context must be symmetrical in length about the base substitution otherwise an error will be raised.

>>> DNA("A").to("C").within("TAG")
Variant(ref=DNA("A"), alt=DNA("C"), context=DNA("TAG"))

Unless the chemical process for the base substitution is known, it is useful to represent all base substitutions in a canonical form, with either a purine or pyrimidine as the reference base.

>>> DNA("A").to("C").within("TAG").with_pyrimidine_ref()
Variant(ref=DNA("T"), alt=DNA("G"), context=DNA("CTA"))

A complete example showing the creation of a notation-normalized Variant from strings only:

>>> ref, alt, context = DNA("A"), DNA("C"), DNA("TAG")
>>> snv = ref.to(alt).within(context).with_pyrimidine_ref()
>>> snv.is_transversion()

Each Variant has a color associated with it for a uniform color palette.

>>> snv.color_stratton()

Single Nucleotide Variant Spectrums

A SnvSpectrum can be initialized by specifying the size of the local context and the reference notation.

>>> from nucleic import SnvSpectrum, Notation
>>> spectrum = SnvSpectrum(k=3, notation=Notation.pyrimidine)
>>> spectrum
SnvSpectrum(k=3, notation=Notation.pyrimidine)

Record observations by accessing the SnvSpectrum like a Python dictionary.

spectrum[snv] += 2

Note: this is shorthand for spectrum.counts[snv] += 2.

If you have a vector of counts, or probabilities, then you can directly build a SnvSpectrum as long as the data is listed in the correct alphabetic order of the SnvSpectrum keys.

>>> vector = [6, 5, 2, 2, 3, 8]
>>> # SnvSpectrum.from_iterable(vector, k=1, notation=Notation.pyrimidine).counts

Working with Probability

Many spectra are produced from whole-genome or whole-exome sequencing experiments. Spectra must be normalized to the _kmer_ frequencies in the target study. Without normalization, no valid spectrum comparison can be made between data generated from different target territories or species.

By default each nucleic.Variant is given a weight of 1 and calling nucleic.SnvSpectrum.mass_as_array() will simply give the proportion of nucleic.Variant counts in the nucleic.SnvSpectrum. After weights are set to the observed k-mer counts or frequency of the target territory, calling SnvSpectrum.mass() will compute a true normalized probability mass.

All weights can be set with assignment e.g.: spectrum.context_weights["ACA"] = 23420.

>>> # spectrum.mass()

k-mer counts can be found with skbio.DNA.kmer_frequencies() for large targets.

Fetching COSMIC Signatures

Download the published COSMIC signatures of mutational processes in human cancer:

>>> from nucleic import fetch_cosmic_signatures
>>> signatures = fetch_cosmic_signatures()

Plotting Spectrums

Spectra with k=3 in either pyrimidine or purine reference notation can be plotted using a style that was first used in Alexandrov et. al. in 2013 (PMID: 23945592). Both nucleic.Variant raw counts (kind="count") or their probabilities (kind="mass") can be plotted.

The figure and axes are returned to allow for custom formatting.

from nucleic.figures import plot_stratton_spectrum

cosmic_signatures = fetch_cosmic_signatures()

fig, (ax_main, ax_cbar) = plot_stratton_spectrum(cosmic_signatures["Signature 1"], kind="mass")
fig, (ax_main, ax_cbar) = plot_stratton_spectrum(cosmic_signatures["Signature 14"], kind="mass")